Welcome To Richard's Website!

Welcome to my website, this is a picure of San Francisco.

About me

Hello and good! Across your travels on the internet you've seemed to be fortunate enough to stumble upon my website. I am Richard Beck, and it is currently I'm the person with hair in the picture above. I'm a 16 year old junior in high school and I've been writing code for a year now. I have an extreme passion for computers and everything that makes them tick. When I graduate high school I plan on attending Hack Reactor and landing a job in Silicon Valley in San Francisco. Feel free to enjoy the awesome picture of space!

Stuff I've done!

Contact me!

If you have any questions regarding, creating a website or any kind of computer questions. Or if you'd like for me to cut your grass, clean gutters, shovel your driveway clear of snow, or pretty much any kind of odd job. Feel free to contact me down below.